Session 10

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Session 9 Session 11
November 4, 2011 – Returning the Prince
  • Begin 11 Allamuth 1441
    • Two days later, The Day of Thanks, and Fall Equinox
  • Ended 9 Cadora 1441 with the arrival in Canton City


The party continued to travel to return the prince to Canton City, haunted by the dream of the house and the vision each of them had of Saxon. When they reached a small town. Deciding to stay to celebrate the Day of Thanks. The town was so small, it didn't even have a name to it. The party noticed that most of the able bodied men and women were gone, leaving only the young and elderly (some women had stayed to care for thier children). The party helped out around the town. Norvaan moved some barrels, and Laphane greased up some wagons. When asked, the townsfolks explained that many of the men and women had gone to join Agueda's Army. With this information the party continued on back to Canton City.

The party, seeing smoke on the plains, approached with caution. What they discovered was a villaged that had been ransacked by Agueda's army. Supplies and food were taken. The party helped ease the village, and ordered the others to gather refugees and seek shelter in Gallantria.

Entering an area of desolation, the party noticed a difference in the environment, they also noted several flying creatures off in the distance. Before they could get thier bearings, the party was attacked by several drakes, lead by a larger drake (No one took the time to identify the nasty creatures). The ambush was costly as Ivon went dow quickly, and Norvaan and Lapahne were attacked on the flank. After the initial ambush, the party got it together and management to balance out the attack. Laphane, worried about his horse, yelled for it to retreat. Norvaan worked to help the party fight harder. Near the end of the fight, Adran teleported under a retreating drake and killed it as they both fell to the ground.

The party tracked the drakes to a lair, where they found some treasure (noted below).

Over the next few days of travel, things got a little rough, the party was hearing many rumors of a war getting ready to break out, but they continued on. As they approached another town, it had been seiged by an army. Banners of Agueda flew. The party, knowing they couldn't do anything, moved around the town, and kept an eye on the going ons. When cleared, they knew they had to move cautiously through the forest. Adran moved on ahead, having bought himself a great steed, and encountered a patrol group for Carver.

When the rest of the party was out of the forest, Norvaan and Ivon spoke to the leader and explained what we saw. They also explained the loss of Saxon and how Laphane joined the party. They also informed the patrol of the army approaching. The leader of the patrol gave us a token to identify ourselves as friends of the King, and off we continued.

Finally, they continued on and arrived at Canton City, where teh prince was joined with his family.

The party has now decided to go to Danburg, in hopes of finding Saxon's family and letting them know what happened.


Found in the den of the drakes

3 pp

470 gp

300 sp

1 gem (valued at 100 gp)

Resplendent Gloves (Went to Ivon Entaro)

Shadowdance Leather Armor +1 (Went to Laphane Nasta)

Rumors, Clues & Information

Escape of Thomas de Agueda