Saxon Harold

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Saxon Harold
Saxon Harold
Alias Saxon
Class Monk
Race Human
Hometown Gallantria-Raised on the Insel Isle (Trained in the Striking Stone School)
Gender Male
Height 5' 10"
Weight 175 lbs
Alignment Unaligned
Quote "Woo Woo Woo"
Player Mike
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Saxon is an orphan raised by the Insel Elves of the Striking Stone Monestary. There he was raised to that inner peace promotes great strength. Being a human raised by elves were hard (especially the Insel Elves). He was teased by the other students for being human. When he turned 18, he decided to leave in search of his missing family. Before he left, his masters gave him a token that has found with him, when they found him. They believe this could be the missing link to finding his family. He left to go to Danberg, where his story his just beginning.


Saxon has black hair, that reaches just below shoulder length. He stands 5'10" and about 175 lbs. He wears a loose black outfit.

Saxon can be quick to react in certain situations.

Early History

Saxon was only 3 years old when his life was changed forever. While on a shipping trip to the Insel Island, the ship his parents and himself were on was attacked by pirates. During the night, his parents sneaked him out into a small boat with another child. Somehow, the small boat made it past the pirate blockade. In the morning, the boat had landed on the Insel isles, home of the Insel Elves.

The elves took the two young boys in and nutured them and cared for them. A couple of days later a wrecked ship washed ashore. Upon inspection, the elves recognized that it was the same ship that was due to arrive, and reading the records, knew this was the ship the two children were originally on. They did not tell the two children this information.

Two families adopted each child. Being the only humans, they grew up close and were best friends. When they were 7, each child was sent off to train with a particular field. Saxon, showed signs being able to use his mind to control his body in amazing athletic feats, was sent to the Striking Stone Monastery to train as a monk. His friend Rory, was sent off to train as a fighter. Saxon would see Rory (the other child) once or twice a month. There, Saxon trained hard to tune his body and mind.

The times were not all easy. Many of the elf cenobites teased Saxon for being a human. This first drove him to work harder to prove that humans were as good, if not better, than elves. As he got better, the elf cenobites started excluding him in local events and eating together. Over the years this grew into anger and hatred for the elves.

Master Uladane saw this and decided it would be best to curve this before Saxon started down the wrong path. Uladane pulled Saxon aside and started to train Saxon and allow him to use the energy towards stealth and agility training the monastery offered, which are subjects not taught to the normal student. Saxon excelled in this and quickly learned the art of stealth and roguish behavior. This intense training didn't make his social life easier, but the distraction made the ostracism from his peers more tolerable for the next couple of years.

When he reached the age of 18, Saxon could no longer take the ridicule. He went to the head masters, and spoke to them. During this conference he spoke of his anger toward the others and desire to leave and try to find and reconnect with his family. The council met and decided that Saxon was ready to go out on his own. Before he left, Master Uladane brought Saxon aside and spoke to him. "Many years ago, when you came to the shores, the ship your parents were on surfaced a few days later. This you know. You also knew no bodies were found on the ship. We have heard rumors that your parents and sister may still be alive, but these rumors are unsubstantiated. We don't want to give you false hope." The pause in his voice only lasts long enough for Master Uladane to reach in his pocket and pull a small coin.

"We found this token in you parent's room. We believe this is a family heirloom and may hold a key to learning more about your past. Take this token. A boat leaves for Danberg in the morning. I understand that they are in need of aid. We suggest you go to the mainland and find out the information you desire."

They bow and Saxon leaves to pack. Saxon sought out Rory, whom he kept in touch with, to bid him goodbye. Rory was planning to leave as well, but was heading beyond Danberg. The next day, they are on a the boat to Danberg. when they arrive, Saxon says goodbye to Rory and heads off to Danberg's city streets. Here he meets up with four others in search of adventure, and him in search of a family that may be lost to him.

Recent History

Saxon has recently learned the name of his parents: Orlan and Kae. He also found out that his parent and sister, Sarah, are considered missing from the Lion Trading Company merchant ship that was attacked 15 years ago. They are presumed dead. As a result, Saxon was given compensatation for his loss. He refuses to believe they are still alive.

He has also discovered he is from the country of Gallantria.

Treasure Wishlist

Blurred Ki Striker +1 or Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1, Gloves of Recovery, Periapt of Proof against Poison +1

Boots of the Fencing Master (These are level 7 so I know they will have to wait)