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Located on the Kethren Peninsula, Vilruil is the furthest tribe of Aegean Elves west of Arborra’s Point and the second closest to the Hydrian Ocean. Prime both for its proximity to the open water amidst the thick jungle that extends nearly to the waterline, the area was deemed a prosperous blessing by Nuellon Ansrian Ealoeth, the elven explorer who first discovered the peninsula.

Notable Residents

  • Aron Naithar Ealoeth – Vilruil Elder and grandfather to Adran Ealoeth; a man of great wisdom whose own grandfather was among those who lead the egression from Insel Island many centuries ago.
  • Eiltae Claeath Ealoeth – mother to Adran Ealoeth and a favorite cook throughout the tribe


Situated in a collection of tree houses both low and high within the jungle canopy, the 15 or so families that make up the Vilruil tribe share duties of hunting, fishing, gathering, and other communal tasks like the other six tribes. Proximity to the open water permits for a wider variety of game than some of the more deeply embedded tribes enjoy, with Eiltae Ealoeth always eager to fry up a savory feast when one of the fishermen are able to land her favorite goliath grouper that rarely swim within 100-feet of the surface.

Hunters and warriors train their skills scouting the borderlands between the peninsula and the deep jungle, pursuant to remain ever-alert should man or beast threaten their people. Though eager to welcome visitors who are deemed friendly, the Vilruil are always perceptive of their surroundings and react without hesitation should danger approach.

Deeply loyal to the safety of their fellow tribesmen, a common mantra spoken under breath just prior to first strike is often the last an adversary will ever hear – "Shae vaerorderol mos thosi shai oscol aelalaes."

"May retribution be swift and fierce to those who endanger our kin."


Founded in 191 DR by Nuellon Ealoeth, Vilruil was the seventh and last tribe to be established from the original settlement that landed on Arborra’s Point.

Proud home of Adran Ealoeth, the young hunter who in 1431 DR saved the clan from uncertain devastation by piercing the near infallible hide of the great purple worm that threatened the Aegean people.