Insel Elves

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Insel Elves
Insel Island
Insel Elves
Major Cities Nirvaset
Average Height 5' 10" - 6'9"
Average Weight 135 - 220
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Known in elven as Nirvasana, or "Exiled", Insel Elves, also known sometimes as just Elves, live on the small island of Insel, located to the east of Andel Boum. They were exiled by the Continental Elves centuries ago, and have been ostracized by other races for centuries. It wasn't until the Battle of Windfall that they started gaining wide acceptance among the other races, and started to associate more with the people on the continent.

Insel Elves once lived in peace with the Continental Elves in the Forest Realm, the large forest east of Gallantria. Over the years, several family lines lost their close ties to the magic of the Feywild. Those families were banished from the forest, and moved west, finding hostile human tribes dotting the land. They continued until they met the sea. There they made boats and colonized a large island they named Insel. The Insel elves got a reputation as savages for brutally killing any trespassers to the island, thus many dared not venture to Insel.

With the founding of the Striking Stone Monastery, the rage of the Insels subsided, as they devoted themselves to a more ascetic way of life. Over the centuries, Insels even softened to visitors and are generally more agreeable to outsiders then Continental Elves. They have even started settling in greater numbers in on the continent primarily in Gallantria near Windfall, and along the southern coast of Cordoba in the Canton Kingdom.

Aeg Elves

An off-shoot of the original families that made up the Insel elves, the elves of the northern Aeg continent are physically indistinguishable from thier Insel cousins. They live in a manner simpler with their people before the split from the Continental elves - close knit communities consisting primarily of related families.