Norvaan Longard

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Norvaan Longard
Norvaan on a patrol
Norvaan Longard
Hometown Free Cities of Dallaall
Gender Male
Height 5'9"
Weight 185 lbs
Alignment good
Deity Satoria
Quote ""I may not kill you.. but I guide the hands of those that will.""
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Norvaan Longard

Born 26 years ago to the Longard family of merchants, Norvaan is a brash young man who has not only embraced the military, but also the adventure of life in many forms. Hailing from the Free Cities of Dallaall, his family sent him to the Carvorel Military Academy, from which he graduated. Most recently, he was granted guest status and travelled to the City of Danberg to continue learning military life under recommendation by Jagger Burrell, and finds himself assigned duties within the entourage of that guy we're working for. You know that guy. TBA later.


Assigned to the Carvorel Military Academy at the age of 16, Norvaan was trained in combat tactics, archery, and logistics. He often argued with the instructors, to the point he began to get a reputation for being abrasive. A few instructors enjoyed the fact a student actually questioned them, and wanted to adapt the battlefield away from tactics that had been tried and tested hundreds of times with only varying degrees of success. Yeonar Drag'huul, one of the top archers of the school, showed him how to properly use bows of all kinds, and their precise application of changing strength into speed, distance, and power. He also told Norvaan to "Attack fast, move faster, and never miss an opening." Sensing an opening in front of him, Norvaan decided to focus on his officer training, and he graduated one year ago, and was allowed to return to his family between assignments.


His instructors and his older brother, Cratoss, have described him as brash, hot-headed, and decisive. He often paces while thinking. He has an air of confidence when around other military officers, but knows or has learned to keep his mouth shut when dealing with social, religious or philosophical matters. At a young age he converted to the Church of Satoria, imagining himself growing up to be a great wizard. His life led him down a different path, and while not particularly religious, he still offers prayers to her. He often prays for his younger brother Michaal, who applied to the Academy of Arts and Arcane Magicks after showing minor magical ability.


A young human in the prime of his life, he dresses as a military man, almost always seen ready for fighting. A brown cloak over his shoulders covers a thick hide armor that has more than a few nicks in it. Beside him sits a greatbow, nearly the length of his body, but he wields it with ease, seemingly comfortable with its weight. He often crouches down when not in the presence of superiors, preferring to rest on the balls of his feet, padded by some well worn leather boots. He wears muted colors, greens, browns, and grays, having not been given an official rank yet.

At Home

When Norvaan is not out serving, he returns home to his family estate. While not incredibly wealthy, the Longard family has done well in their business. He will often dress in dark breeches and a gray shirt, a relatively simple dress, while the rest of the family, including his father, Wilaam, and his older brother, Cratoss, will wear more ornate robes, dealing with and running the family business.


Father - Wilaam Jehms Longard - Merchant Family Longard of Dallaall - Aged 56

Mother - Maribael Anna Longard - Aged 44

Brother - Cratoss Jehms Longard - Merchant Family Longard of Dallaall- Aged 28

Brother - Michaal Jonn Longard - Dallaall Free Cities Academy of Arts and Arcane Magicks - Aged 22