Gender & Sexuality

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Gender and Sexuality are considered touchy subjects in the modern day society, but in the world of Keedrah, things are slightly different.


Gender relations on Keedrah tend to be fairly egalitarian. Women aren't particularly looked down on, or thought to need to "stay in the kitchen". Some armies, particularly in Canton and Gallantria, enjoy a 60%/40% mix of male and female soldiers, though fraternization is frowned upon and often severely punished.

Order of succession in noble houses tend to go through the first born child. This tradition lends itself back to the paladins, who set the basis for the idea of primogeniture among the people. The powers of paladinhood go to the first born child regardless of gender - it's only natural for the people to follow suit. There are no passages in religious texts saying women should be subservient to men, etc.

The example of the gods is that gender is not so much of a concept to be worried about. The ideas of courtly love do still exist, men are expected to be chivalrous to women, just as a female knight would be expected to be thus towards any male suitors.

See also: Axe-Maiden


Homosexuality is seen as a normal thing on Keedrah, and is far from taboo.. Duke Piondargas of Andel Boum in the Canton Kingdom is known to enjoy the company of men over women. This does create an issue when it comes to advancing noble houses, as an heir may not be born to a particular noble. In Piondargas' case, he has a younger brother with children who will inherit the title upon his death. The recent strife in the Canton Kingdom was in part because the now-deceased king, James Smythe, also preferred the company of men, and thus had no heirs. Additionally, Netar, the Over God, is often depicted as androgynous with indiscernible gender characteristics. The pronoun "He" is used, most commonly, because religious texts refer to Keedrah and Zeilta as his "wives", though, what exactly is gender to a god?