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Creeps (real name unknown)
Class Rogue
Race Halfling
Hometown Canton City
Gender Male
Height 4'
Weight 79
Alignment Unaligned
Deity Morden
Quote "Tell you what. You sit here, have yourself a drink, and I'll go.. ask some buddies of mine."
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Creeps is a halfling cat-burglar and information gatherer for The Red in Canton City. He was born in the Frantan Confederation, in the city of Seamouth. His parents owned a very small trading company that came under attack by bandits in the Canton area. The young halfling wandered for a few days before he was picked up on the city's outskirts by a dwarf named Dugan, who raised the lost child, and has acted like a brother to him. At the time Dugan Dugan, a veteran of the greater races war, was a thug for The Red. He had seen his fair share of orphans in his day, took the young halfling child back to his small shack and gave the lad the best upbringing a dim-witted strong arm for a street gang could provide. The leader of The Red at the time, a teifling who went by the street name Santo took notice, and, fearing the dwarf was going to try to "toughen" the halfling up, took Creeps under his wing, and taught him the more subtle arts that Dugan couldn't comprehend.

As Creeps stands in the structure now, he's a low level thief. He takes care of burglaries and confidence scams, but can usually be found wasting the day drinking cider and scamming drunks at dice games at the Crimson Copper, the bar Dugan works at in his semi-retirement, which is a front business for The Red.

Creeps is a sympathetic person and will help people he sees confused and in trouble out of genuine sympathy. He's basically a good person - your sort of "loveable rogue" type.

Creeps dresses as nonchalantly as possible, as to not draw attention to himself. If he's going on a job,he switches over to a dyed suit of leather armor. He also carries weapon black to darken the blades of his daggers, which he uses to strike at people from the dark, or for throwing. If pressed into rubbing shoulders with more respectable people, though, he does keep a very fashionable blue suit and a large (hat with a feather in it.

He's generally has a happy go-lucky disposition, and is garrulous with people, though not to the point of annoyance. He knows when to shut his trap - loose lips sink ships after all, not to mention, talking someone's ear off tends to annoy rather then ingratiate them to you.