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Revision as of 20:53, 10 April 2012

The Vistani are a group of traveling minstrels, bards and scoundrels who move from place to place all over Keedrah. They do not stay in one place for long, preferring to set up a type of carnival or fair, get what money and supplies they can, and dust out of town before they overstay their welcome. They have gained a reputation as crooks and double-dealers, and are generallt viewed with distrust. The Vistani, however, see themselves as being stewards of the folk traditions of Keedrah, and absorb local stories and tales wherever they travel, sharing the stories amongst themselves and with any who will listen.


There are a multitude of histories of the vistani. Some claim they are descendants of the builders of the great temple who that did not gain paladin powers, and were instead invited by Netar to roam the land forever and keep sacred the histories of Keedrah. Others claim they were all once halflings in service to a noble house that disbanded. Still yet others claim to have been the mortal summoners of Bahamut, to end the time of the dragons. In any case all tales include mention of the first Matriarch, a halfling woman named Vistan, from which the people take their name.